Various legal entities and individuals are required to prepare and submit tax returns to various jurisdictional authorities. Entities include corporations, partnerships, limited liability corporations (LLC) and partnerships (LLP), S-Corporations, estates, trusts and not-for-profit (NFP) entities. There are many taxes that must be reported, including federal and state income taxes, sales/use taxes, property taxes and estate and gift transfer taxes. In addition, there are many disclosure returns required even though the entity may not be a tax paying entity or may do business in such a way that such disclosures are required, such as partnership and LLC/LLP returns, foreign bank accounts, foreign assets, controlled foreign corporations, state and local annual reports and NFP annual disclosure returns.
CBIZ federal tax specialists work closely with you to identify and implement strategies that bring you the maximum tax benefit. We leverage our years of experience to deliver tailored solutions that consider the full spectrum of federal tax credits and opportunities available including: Accounting for Income Taxes (ASC 740 Outsourcing or Co-Sourcing), Accounting Methods Review, Cost Segregation Studies, Energy Incentives, Federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit, Qualified Opportunity Zones, Research & Development Tax Credits, Revenue Recognition, Section 382: Use of Net Operating Losses, Tangible Property Regulations.