Consilio LLC

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Other area of expertise
Legal Consulting, Flex Legal Talent, collections/forensics e-Discovery and much more
Long Business Description

Consilio is a global leader in eDiscovery, document review, risk management, and legal consulting services. The company supports multinational law firms and corporations using innovative software, cost-effective managed services and deep legal and regulatory industry expertise. Consilio has extensive experience in litigation, HSR second requests, internal and regulatory investigations, eDiscovery, document review, information governance, compliance risk assessments, cybersecurity, law department management, contracts management, legal analytics, paper discovery and digital printing, as well as legal recruiting and placement. Consilio and its global family of companies, Advanced Discovery, Altep, Millnet Document Services and Legal Placements Inc., employ leading professionals in the industry, applying defensible workflows with patented and industry-proven technology across all phases of the eDiscovery and risk management lifecycle. ISO 27001:2013 certified, the company operates offices, document review facilities and data centers across Europe, Asia, and North America.

Business Contact Name
David DiDonato, Regional Director
Office location(s)
HQ in Washington DC and located in 50 states and 20+ countries globally

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