Blue Ridge Partners

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Subject Matter Expertise
Other area of expertise
Growth strategy, commercial effectiveness, pricing
Long Business Description

Blue Ridge is a boutique consultancy focused on growth, and we have served over 130 private equity firms, and over 1,000 of their portfolio companies, over the past 22 years. A brief introduction to our firm:
1. Blue Ridge Partners is a specialized consulting firm exclusively focused on helping companies optimize top-line revenue performance and the margins associated with those revenues
2. We operate in 12 cities in the US plus London, Frankfurt, and Melbourne
3. The scope of our work covers the entire “revenue engine” — our greatest strengths are sales force effectiveness and pricing
4. We have specialists who understand the complex selling environments across many sectors including, industrial products and distribution business services, healthcare, technology, and others
5. We have developed proprietary methodologies and tools for assessing “revenue engines” and preparing growth plans – e.g., The Nine Voices of the Market (tm), 100 Behaviors of High Performing Revenue Engines (tm), Skill / Will Evaluator Tool, Waves of Change, and Top Line (tm)
6. We are valued by our clients for quickly generating impact through an approach based on:
-  Experienced teams – our leaders have 25+ years average, most have a combination of consulting and line management experience
-  Pragmatic plans – we focus on the “how” not just the “what”
-  Significant focus on implementation and measurable results

Business Contact Name
Steve Tagtmeier, Managing Director
Office location(s)
Boston, NY, DC, Chicago, Dallas

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